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   Asthma is a lung disease that causes breathing difficulties. Asthma can be acute or chronic. Asthma attacks can occur when there is stimulation on air flow into the lungs.
The exact cause of this disease is unknown but can be triggered by allergies, air pollution, respiratory infections, the emotions, the weather conditions, the content in food, and some medications.
Common symptoms include coughing, wheezing, short of breath, and tightness in the chest.
Many treatments for asthma. However, a few simple natural remedies are also available to relieve the symptoms.

    Before knowing the asthma medicine what it can be used, you also need to know that asthma has different symptoms and repetitive. Asthma is estimated to occur due to genetic and environmental factors. The diagnosis is usually based on patterns of symptoms and response to therapy with a specific time period.
   Most asthmatics do therapy on asthma by inhaling inhalers. It is indeed able to reduce symptoms of asthma inhalers, but the use of inhalers can give bad effect to the future, by inflicting increasingly severe symptoms and asthma attacks that often occur. the following is a traditional medicine for asthma that is always there at home with you.

Factors Cause The Rise Of Asthma
The following are some of the causes of asthma, but the cause of that is different for everyone.

·        Due to the infection of the lungs and respiratory tract that is usually caused by the flu virus and fever.
·        Allergens, such as dust mites, animal fur, and also pollen.
·        Due to the irritation of the air such as chemical vapors, cigarette smoke, and air pollution.
·        Weather factors such as hot weather, the weather is windy, cold weather supported with bad air quality, moist weather temperature changes & drastically.
·        The result from the consumption of food/beverages that contain sulfite (natural substances that are sometimes used to preserve food) such as shrimp, jam, processed foods, drinks, half-cooked food juice packaging.
·        Sports, sometimes asthma symptoms can become worse when patients exercise.
·        Circumstances in the room like a moldy, damp/carpet chemicals, flooring materials, and dust mites.
·        Emotional factors such as stress.

the following is a traditional medicine for asthma that is always there at home with you.
1. Onions
Onions have anti-inflammatory substances that can help you reduce the blockage in the airway when suffering from asthma. The sulfur substances found in garlic may also help reduce inflammation in the lungs.
chewing raw onions to relieve your Airways so that it can breathe better. If you can't tolerate the taste of raw onion, try eating cooked onion.

2. Honey
Honey is one of the natural remedies for asthma. Alcohol and very fine oils on honey help to reduce asthma symptoms.
·        Inhale the aroma of honey can produce positive results from some people.
·        You can also mix 1 teaspoon of honey into a glass of hot water and drink it slowly about 3 times a day.
·        Before going to bed, consumption 1 teaspoon honey with 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (cinnamon). This can help you eliminate phlegm from the throat and make the bed became more soundly.

3. Garlic
Treatment using garlic can help clean out your lungs at the early stages of asthma.
·        Bring to a boil 2 or 3 cloves in 1 ½ cups of milk.
·        Leave it up to the same as room temperature then drink.

4. Coffee
The caffeine in coffee can help control asthma attacks because it can act as a bronchodilator. Hot coffee help relaxes right and relieves respiratory tract in helping you breathe more easily. The stronger the coffee, the more good results.
But try not to drink more than 3 cups of black coffee a day. If you don't like coffee, replace it with hot black tea. Do not use caffeine as a regular treatment.

5. Ginger
Ginger is known as natural materials for a variety of problems including asthma. Researchers have found that ginger can help reduce respiratory tract inflammation and inhibit contraction on the respiratory tract.
In addition, the study indicates that ginger can also enhance relaxation in muscles such as those on some medication for asthma.

  • ·        Combine ginger juice, Pomegranate juice, and honey in the same amount. Drink this mixture as much as 1 tablespoon of as much as 2 to 3 times a day.
  • ·        Alternatively, you can mix 1 teaspoon of ginger with one-half cup water and consumption of 1 tablespoon of this mixture every night.
  • ·        Cut 3 cm ginger small and input into a pot of boiling water. Leave for 5 minutes, wait until cool and drink.
  • ·        To detoxify your lungs, prepare the stew boil with fenugreek 1 tablespoon fenugreek seeds in a cup of water and mix 1 teaspoon ginger juice and honey. Drink this concoction every morning and afternoon.
  • ·        You can also eat raw ginger mixed salt.

asthma and how to treat it with a natural herb.


   Asthma is a lung disease that causes breathing difficulties. Asthma can be acute or chronic. Asthma attacks can occur when there is stimulation on air flow into the lungs.
The exact cause of this disease is unknown but can be triggered by allergies, air pollution, respiratory infections, the emotions, the weather conditions, the content in food, and some medications.
Common symptoms include coughing, wheezing, short of breath, and tightness in the chest.
Many treatments for asthma. However, a few simple natural remedies are also available to relieve the symptoms.

    Before knowing the asthma medicine what it can be used, you also need to know that asthma has different symptoms and repetitive. Asthma is estimated to occur due to genetic and environmental factors. The diagnosis is usually based on patterns of symptoms and response to therapy with a specific time period.
   Most asthmatics do therapy on asthma by inhaling inhalers. It is indeed able to reduce symptoms of asthma inhalers, but the use of inhalers can give bad effect to the future, by inflicting increasingly severe symptoms and asthma attacks that often occur. the following is a traditional medicine for asthma that is always there at home with you.

Factors Cause The Rise Of Asthma
The following are some of the causes of asthma, but the cause of that is different for everyone.

·        Due to the infection of the lungs and respiratory tract that is usually caused by the flu virus and fever.
·        Allergens, such as dust mites, animal fur, and also pollen.
·        Due to the irritation of the air such as chemical vapors, cigarette smoke, and air pollution.
·        Weather factors such as hot weather, the weather is windy, cold weather supported with bad air quality, moist weather temperature changes & drastically.
·        The result from the consumption of food/beverages that contain sulfite (natural substances that are sometimes used to preserve food) such as shrimp, jam, processed foods, drinks, half-cooked food juice packaging.
·        Sports, sometimes asthma symptoms can become worse when patients exercise.
·        Circumstances in the room like a moldy, damp/carpet chemicals, flooring materials, and dust mites.
·        Emotional factors such as stress.

the following is a traditional medicine for asthma that is always there at home with you.
1. Onions
Onions have anti-inflammatory substances that can help you reduce the blockage in the airway when suffering from asthma. The sulfur substances found in garlic may also help reduce inflammation in the lungs.
chewing raw onions to relieve your Airways so that it can breathe better. If you can't tolerate the taste of raw onion, try eating cooked onion.

2. Honey
Honey is one of the natural remedies for asthma. Alcohol and very fine oils on honey help to reduce asthma symptoms.
·        Inhale the aroma of honey can produce positive results from some people.
·        You can also mix 1 teaspoon of honey into a glass of hot water and drink it slowly about 3 times a day.
·        Before going to bed, consumption 1 teaspoon honey with 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (cinnamon). This can help you eliminate phlegm from the throat and make the bed became more soundly.

3. Garlic
Treatment using garlic can help clean out your lungs at the early stages of asthma.
·        Bring to a boil 2 or 3 cloves in 1 ½ cups of milk.
·        Leave it up to the same as room temperature then drink.

4. Coffee
The caffeine in coffee can help control asthma attacks because it can act as a bronchodilator. Hot coffee help relaxes right and relieves respiratory tract in helping you breathe more easily. The stronger the coffee, the more good results.
But try not to drink more than 3 cups of black coffee a day. If you don't like coffee, replace it with hot black tea. Do not use caffeine as a regular treatment.

5. Ginger
Ginger is known as natural materials for a variety of problems including asthma. Researchers have found that ginger can help reduce respiratory tract inflammation and inhibit contraction on the respiratory tract.
In addition, the study indicates that ginger can also enhance relaxation in muscles such as those on some medication for asthma.

  • ·        Combine ginger juice, Pomegranate juice, and honey in the same amount. Drink this mixture as much as 1 tablespoon of as much as 2 to 3 times a day.
  • ·        Alternatively, you can mix 1 teaspoon of ginger with one-half cup water and consumption of 1 tablespoon of this mixture every night.
  • ·        Cut 3 cm ginger small and input into a pot of boiling water. Leave for 5 minutes, wait until cool and drink.
  • ·        To detoxify your lungs, prepare the stew boil with fenugreek 1 tablespoon fenugreek seeds in a cup of water and mix 1 teaspoon ginger juice and honey. Drink this concoction every morning and afternoon.
  • ·        You can also eat raw ginger mixed salt.

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